Monday, October 20, 2008

WHAT Happend to BYU????

So Tyler and I drove 7 hours to the BYU vs. TCU in Fort Worth! What a total embarrassment! BYU looked like they had rocks in their shoes! We were surrounded by PURPLE everywhere. TCU was GOING CRAZY (because they were killing us) and so was Tyler (because he was so annoyed by BYU)! Every time it was a BYU third down-which was A LOT...the announcer would slow his speech down and say, "and iiiittttt'ssssssssss a third down." The TCU fans went crazy! WE did not!
By 1/2 time Tyler was disgusted and wanted to leave. His team was not a team at all on THURSDAY night! What happened Cougars???? It was pretty sad to walk out of the building and have TCU fans yelling for the Cougars to go back to Utah!!! We will show them. Come on Cougars. Turn this around!
Even though our team was slaughtered, we still had a great time. This was actually the highlight of the game. It was breast cancer awareness night and the whole band was playing and made this cool formation. Then, they let go of thousands of pink can vaguely see them in the sky.
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The cool family! said...

Oh man, what FUN! I enjoy doing things with one of my kids at a time... it's real bonding. I can't wait to go on trips with them! I bet you'll remember that forever!

Jen Summers said...

What fun! You are so lucky to get to go to the BYU game. We live here and still don't get down there. (frown) But what a wonderful little trip. I love field trips that spark new connections in little ones minds. Tyler - keep on rockin' for BYU!!!