Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Straight A's

Today was the first nine week awards assembly. Both Ricky and I made it! Whew. They had the kids standing on bleachers...of course Tyler was at the end, and I wasn't able to get any good pictures without going across the entire room! DANG!
Ricky and Tyler.
Tyler is holding his award ribbon. He was super excited because 4th grade had the last award assembly program and so we were able to check him out of school early. That was the highlight for Tyler. You can see his ribbon a little in the picture. As soon as we got in the car he threw it on the dash. When we were coming inside the house, I told him to get his ribbon. He told me he didn't care about the ribbon! Oh well. What a boy!
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1 comment:

Jolene said...

Woo Hoo! Way to go Tyler and Rachel! Of course they are smart- look at their parents :) Good job guys. You are great parents and should be proud!