Monday, November 30, 2009

Rachel's Eight!

I had so much fun taking pictures of Rachel for her baptism. She is growing up to be such a wonderful young lady! Love ya Rach.

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Rachel's Baptism Day! November 28th, 2009!!!

This is Rachel on November 28th. She was so excited to be baptized. I am so proud of her. It was such an amazing day.
Rachel is growing up so fast. I can't believe she is already eight. Where has the time gone? Thanks to my mom for making this dress for Rachel. It turned out perfect.
How cute is this picture? I am so gratful that Ricky was able to baptize Rachel. We were also so lucky to have both sets of grandparents join us. We loved seeing them.
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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Rachel

Can't believe Rachel is already EIGHT! MY BABY girl. LOVE ya Rachel!!

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Build a Bear Was A HIT

I LOVE this picture. We went to Build A Bear for Rachel's birthday and EVERYONE had the best time. The KIDS LOVE their bears!

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween Day!

Tyler and I went to a service project in the morning called, "Feed My Starving Children." It was awesome. We were able to help package meals for children in far away lands. It made us both feel good to be part of something so cool! Tyler carved his very own pumpkin this year. It said BYU. Very COOL. Of course the candle in that pumpkin never blew out.
There is my scary little skelton-Drew.
I loved Rachel's costume. Wish it came in my size! CUTE, cute.
There's my mystery man!
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Church Halloween Party!

Glad I got these pictures of the kids! On Halloween day, Drew wore his mask almost the entire night, so these pictures are about all I have of his face in this cool costume. Tyler is getting too cool to wear a costume and went out without a costume Halloween night. TURKEY! I remember thinking about those kids who would come to the door without a costume and I would be so Tyler is one of them. YIKES!!

I was in charge of the games for the party. They turned out fun and it gave me a chance to meet more of the Primary and Youth in our ward.
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Columbus Day

Yep, the kids get Columbus Day off here so I decided to take them to a park. It had over 20 retired tanks the kids could climb on etc. There was also a playground. Good times. It was fun to just be together.

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Rachel Plays Soccer in Chicago!

WAY bigger field this year! Becoming more fun to watch with time. I will NEVER forget Rachel's last game. It started SNOWING! It was raining at first and then turned into HUGE snowflakes! It was so, so, so cold. We decided we would go to McDonald's after the game. Since when did a hot chocolate cost $1.99???

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Soccer in Chicago!

Tyler is still playing soccer. He has become such a fun player to watch...and yes, I am a little biased. Tyler's team went undefeated this season! Pretty awesome.

Some fancy footwork!
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rachel Earns $500 Cash!

Murphy Oil awards students in the first grade who score in the top 85th percentile or higher on the SAT 10 with $500. Rachel along with 35 other students in the El Dorado school disctrict earned the award! She wants to buy a laptop computer!

This is the president of Murphy Oil, Mr. Wood. He gave a speech and then awarded the eligible students their awards. He noted he thought Rachel looked really cute. Thanks Mr. Wood! Cute and Smart!!!! Way to go Rach!

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Drew Made All-Stars!

Drew and one other child his age made T-Ball All-Stars. He was playing with kids who were going into 1st and 2nd grade. It was so fun to watch. He was actually in the paper today because he went 11 for 12. He played in four total games. There were 14 teams from four states. GO DREW! He was also first in the batting line-up for every game. GO DREW! Ricky and Tyler were SOOOOOO proud (and so were Rachel and I).

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