Friday, October 24, 2008

Almost SEVEN!

Rachel and I had such a fun time taking her picture! I just had to share a few! I am taking a photography class once a week and it is almost time to turn in our assignments. Whew. I will keep you all posted. I found some really fun places in El Dorado to take some pictures. Oh how I LOVE pictures!

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Sara said...

ANNE!!! What great pictures! You are a professional GIRL! Rachel is gorgeous! AHH I LOVE THAT GIRL!

Jennifer said...

Anne, you are a great photographer! Who knew? You really DID do a fantastic job! And Rachel looks adorable, cute, pretty as a princess, etc. Sigh! We look so great when we're young. Wish I had that great complexion! LOL-missing you.

Jolene said...

Great pictures! She is adorable. And your boys look like they're having a great time. What a good looking family you have. Hope to see you before too long :)

Shallan said...

Holy cow!! Those were amazing pictures!! Not to mention a GORGEOUS girl as your model!!

Jenni said...

Way to go, looks you are a good student!!! I love pictures too, if you can't tell. I can't believe how big Rachel is getting, she is darling.