Friday, October 31, 2008

Our Soccer LIFE!

Tyler had a soccer tournament in Little Rock last weekend. We all had fun! Their team played five games total and went on to the final championship game. Unfortunately they took second place, but we will take it. We lost the final game to the same team last year! NEXT year will be our turn to WIN!!!

Side note: After playing five games over the weekend both Rachel and Tyler had games on Monday and then Tyler had yet another game on Tuesday...I was in soccer overdose mode! Love the game...but watching 8 games in 4 days was OVERLOAD! Next year will really be crazy when Drew starts! YIKES!
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tyler was tagged!

Five things you may not know about Tyler:

1. Organized sports Tyler has participated in this year: swimming, soccer, basketball and baseball. He also has a love for golf thanks to his dad and has his own Ping golf clubs-which he stores in his room.
2. Tyler has the BEST sense of direction. He is a great GPS. He just seems to know the right way to go when I am not sure.
3. Tyler can spell his heart out. He only needs to see a word one time and knows how to spell it.
4. Tyler can physically pick me up...need I say more?
5. Tyler is ALWAYS the life of the house. There is an energy field around him. There is NEVER a dull moment when Tyler is around. He always has a lot of ideas. He loves to draw and make things. He has made everything from football helmets to skate board ramps and is a professional fort maker. Whew.
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Rachel Made Straight A's Too!

Rachel was in a pretty great spot for taking pictures. It is always hard to keep my longer lenses steady. I would love to pull out a tripod, but then I would really look like a nerd. there is the ribbon. Whooo hoooooo. Doesn't she look thrilled?

One of these kids is not like the others...Rachel goes to a school with a science and math focus. Of course there are more boys than girls. FUN stuff. I wonder if she will like science more than I did growing up? So far so good. They are learning about the human body right now and she tells me interesting things all the time, like there are 206 bones in her body. WOW! My kids are helping me be smart. :)

Quick side note: I was reading this blog to Rachel and asked her which child is not like the others. She said the little boy on the left wearing the black shirt...because he was not wearing a red shirt. I love children!

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Straight A's

Today was the first nine week awards assembly. Both Ricky and I made it! Whew. They had the kids standing on bleachers...of course Tyler was at the end, and I wasn't able to get any good pictures without going across the entire room! DANG!
Ricky and Tyler.
Tyler is holding his award ribbon. He was super excited because 4th grade had the last award assembly program and so we were able to check him out of school early. That was the highlight for Tyler. You can see his ribbon a little in the picture. As soon as we got in the car he threw it on the dash. When we were coming inside the house, I told him to get his ribbon. He told me he didn't care about the ribbon! Oh well. What a boy!
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Friday, October 24, 2008

Almost SEVEN!

Rachel and I had such a fun time taking her picture! I just had to share a few! I am taking a photography class once a week and it is almost time to turn in our assignments. Whew. I will keep you all posted. I found some really fun places in El Dorado to take some pictures. Oh how I LOVE pictures!

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I LOVE this Little Girl

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There is a NEW Firefighter in Town!

This little guy certainly owns my heart! He is turning FIVE in just one month. the time does fly. He was so excited to get dressed up like Rachel to model his costume.

I just LOVE Halloween!

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Medieval Knights

My little knight in shinning armour.

Ahhh. I can't believe he is turning 10 in a month!

Gotta love friends!

This show was a lot like the show at the Excalibur in Las Vegas. Tyler has been studying Medieval Times. They served food you had to eat with your hands- chicken, potato wedges, soup. I don't think Tyler had one bite. He was more interested in the show. He loved the jousting. There were 6 sections and each section cheers for a different knight. Our knight was the yellow and red. He Lost! Booo Hooooo.
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Just Tyler and I for the Weekend in Dallas!

Tyler and I were able to spend the weekend in Dallas together. He had a GT (Gifted and Talented) Field Trip and we decided to lengthen the trip and add some fun things. We left Thursday night to watch the TCU vs. BYU game and then Friday did the "school" thing. We went to the King Tut exhibit at the Dallas Museum of arts. It was incredible to see what they found in that tomb! Then that night we went to Medieval Nights. Saturday and Sunday we had a great time with my awesome cousin Amy and her family. Thanks Amy and Sean for always making us feel so special and welcome in your home!
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WHAT Happend to BYU????

So Tyler and I drove 7 hours to the BYU vs. TCU in Fort Worth! What a total embarrassment! BYU looked like they had rocks in their shoes! We were surrounded by PURPLE everywhere. TCU was GOING CRAZY (because they were killing us) and so was Tyler (because he was so annoyed by BYU)! Every time it was a BYU third down-which was A LOT...the announcer would slow his speech down and say, "and iiiittttt'ssssssssss a third down." The TCU fans went crazy! WE did not!
By 1/2 time Tyler was disgusted and wanted to leave. His team was not a team at all on THURSDAY night! What happened Cougars???? It was pretty sad to walk out of the building and have TCU fans yelling for the Cougars to go back to Utah!!! We will show them. Come on Cougars. Turn this around!
Even though our team was slaughtered, we still had a great time. This was actually the highlight of the game. It was breast cancer awareness night and the whole band was playing and made this cool formation. Then, they let go of thousands of pink can vaguely see them in the sky.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Town Shuts Down for High School Football

What you see in the movies is TRUE! The whole town shuts down for High School football in El Dorado Arkansas- a SUPER-Duper small town. I remember the first Friday night we were in El Dorado. There was NOTHING on the radio on ANY station except the El Dorado football game. It was so strange. Now, we LOVE it! It has been really fun to go to the Wildcat games. This weekend was Homecoming. School was let out early for a "big" parade and game! My mom came out to visit and we all went to the parade and then the game! Fun times!
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A very rare glace at the whole gang...being still! Doesn't happen that often!

This is more like it!

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Grammie Comes for a Visit

My mom bought Rachel and Drew skeleton glow in the dark pj's! What a hit!

Tyler and Gram.

Rachel and Grammie. Thanks for coming to visit mom!

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Tyler and Soccer!

Tyler and his friends had a lot of fun in Monroe Louisiana on his tournament soccer team. Fun times!
Tyler has been playing both league and tournament soccer this year. That adds up to soccer almost every night and tournaments on the weekends.
Go El Dorado Thunder!Posted by Picasa