Saturday, March 7, 2009

Daffodil Fesitval in Camden, AR

I took the kids to a Daffodil festival in Camden today. It was a little crazy getting everyone there, and of course getting everyone picture perfect was impossible. However, we had fun looking at all of the flowers. It made Spring seem so close and the weather was perfect, minus a little bit of wind.
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Jessica said...

I guess I didn't realize that you were in Arkansas. I'm right outside of Southwest, Little Rock.

I love your pictures of the daffodils! Hubby bought me a Nikon D60 for Valentine's Day. I wanted to go and take pictures of the daffodils, but then we noticed our neighbors had some beautiful daffodils in their yard - once i get a spare moment I'll have to post them.


i-Spring said...

I'm in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Someday, I hope to visit the Camden Daffodil Festival. Looks like Spring, something we won't see for a few months.

Since your readers like daffodil photographs, you might like to visit the First Daffodils blog for daffodils photos from around the world.
First Daffodils 2009 blog

Jenni said...

what a pretty time of year!!! The pictures are darling!

The cool family! said...

Wow, that would be pretty to see I bet!!