Saturday, December 13, 2008

Meet Santa and "Bolt" the Movie

Soooo. There is no mall in our town. BUT Murphy Oil does have their annual children's movie day in December as a Christmas party and Santa is present. The children get to talk to Santa, get a free kids pack and watch a movie. We watched "Bolt." I wasn't thrilled with the movie. The whole idea of the movie was odd. The dog, Bolt, lives on a movie set. He thinks he has real super powers. One day, he accidentally leaves the movie set and realizes 2/3's of the way through the movie that he really doesn't have super powers. He is just a real dog. EVEN Tyler didn't get it. He asked at the end, "how did Bolt loose his powers?" The annimation of the movie was GREAT but, for a cartoon, the story line was way over the age group they were targeting. Why in the world would a super dog not be SUPER??? Oh well. Free movie and food is GREAT by me. Thanks Murphy.

Now about Santa...what's going on with the hair in your eyes??? You must be pretty good to see everyone with one eye! Funny! Drew was a little unsure about the whole thing. He wants a four-wheeler, Rachel wants a motor scooter and Tyler wants an I-Pod! Wooooo hooooooo.
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Jennifer said...

Hey, Anne, isn't it about time for you guys to move again? Where is it this time? Love ya-

Kelli said...


It was so good to see you and your family on here. I will come here more often. We miss you and your seetness!! You were so much fun and pleasant to be around. Please move back!!

The cool family! said...

Eric took he kids to see Bolt and really liked it, LOL! Too bad you guys can't make it this way for the holidays! But Merry Christmas!!!!

Anne said...

My point! Bolt is a cartoon made for adults. I thought it was really cute, but it's a children movie and the story line is geared towards adults! Oh well. The dog in the movie is SOOOO cute. You will have to see it someday.