Friday, September 5, 2008

Go Cougars!

Tyler's blood turned Cougar blue while we lived in Utah. He never REALLY understood how WONDERFUL being a BYU Cougar was until we lived in Utah. I am one proud momma! (Can you tell which school I LOVE?) One of his teachers at school told me the students were given three objects to creatively make something that represents where they want to attend college. Of course, everyone here is either for the Arkansas Razor Backs (Red) or for Lousinasa State University (Purple). Tyler made something for BYU! None of the kids in his class knew what that was or WHY he would dare go against the two schools in our town! So funny! Tyler, I am so glad you are a COUGAR! GO BYU!


Jana said...

"Rise and Shout" We can never have too many Cougar Fans! Way to go Tyler! Sounds like they really need you guys out there. Go Blue

Bonnie said...

I love it! Way to go Tyler! Jameson says to say Hi to Tyler and that he's glad he's still a BYU fan!

Jenni said...

Go BYU!!! We love em' too!

Jenni said...

OK you, I know you have to have something to post!!! You are too busy not to! You need to keep us updated since we don't see you anymore! Love Ya!!!!