Sunday, July 19, 2009


We are moving! Ricky has accepted a new job with a company called NIDERA based out of The Netherlands. We will be moving to Chicago, IL. I am a city girl at heart and so I feel like in a small way I am going home. We are all excited about the move.


Mimi said...

You move more than ANYONE I know!! But I guess you are due for another one - the cutest YW of mine is moving to Chicago and leaves Saturday. Mike always has business there in April and I've gone w/him the past 2 years - we'll have to meet up this next time. Good luck packing!

The cool family! said...

YAY! you'll be only 8 hours away from us now instead of... alot longer, LOL!
Shake out that shouthern accent and come on over to the east coast!

Shallan said...

I can't believe I didn't make it over to Arkansas before you took off!! Surely I will make it to Chicago! Congrats, I'm excited for you!

Jenni said...

YAY!! You will love it there, a little bit bigger than where you are at right!! I might have to come out and visit. Make sure you get me all the details about address and phone numbers. I am excited for you! Hope it all works out well for you.

Jennifer said...

Wow! I can't believe you are moving again! How are your kids taking this? It seems like you guys have really become established there in Arkansas. What will you guys miss most about Arkansas?