Friday, June 12, 2009

Julie's Wedding

Once Upon a Time....there were three sister-in-laws (shown above). They were taken by their mother-in-law to a land far, far, away. Fortunately, they lived to tell the story. GIRLS, we shall never forget our journey to the far away land. I will always laugh when I think about going to Julie's new home! Good luck Julie on those dirt roads. I will certainly think of you whenever I am driving on a long, never-ending, dirt road.  Ha Ha. What an adventure.
Five brothers...making fun for the kids. They launched water balloons and then the kidos tried to catch them. They all tried to play. A caught balloon was worth $5! They were hard to catch.
"Incoming!" I think this was one of the favorite things we did while in B-ville.
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Mimi said...

I used to live in a place called b-ville too and it doesn't sound all that different.

Shallan said...

Oh man! That trip to Julie's will forever be a favorite memory!! We survived... and so did our poor husbands who were so desperate for us to get back and help with the kids!! :-)