Friday, January 16, 2009

Tyler and Rachel Both Made Straight A's the Second Term!

Rachel made straight A's and also received the kids for character award!
Tyler also made straight A's and is now in the 40 point Accelerated Reader club. I am so proud of him. Reading is not something he really enjoys, but he has really been working on getting those points. He just finished the first Harry Potter book last night! Way to go Tyler. Now...we have to start working on his science fair project. Yeee haw!
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Bonnie said...

Way to go Rachel and Tyler! How exciting for you both.

Jamie said...

Great job Rachel and Tyler!!! Your hard work really paid off.

Jenni said...

Great Job!!! What smart kids you have! They must take after their mom:)!!!

Shallan said...

That's so great Rachel and Ty! I always knew you were smart kiddos! Good luck on that science fair stuff... I'm not looking forward to those days!

spenceandcass said...

Congrats on the straight A's! Man, your kids have gotten so big! I can't believe it!