Thursday, January 1, 2009

Merry Chirstmas! 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope your Christmas was wonderful. Drew is my MOST uncooperative child in the smile department. You have to catch him smiling or he ends up looking super serious...silly guy! We all had such a great day! At about 2:00 we went to my cousins house in Dallas. Amy and Sean have three cute boys and our kids always have so much fun playing with them. Thanks Sean and AMY! Merry Christmas!
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Jenni said...

It looks like you had a great Christmas!!! Your right gifts get smaller and more money!!! Kenna & Kinlee got Nintendo DS's and WOW!!! Hope you have a great year and it has been great keeping in touch!!!

The cool family! said...

Wow, you guys had an awesome holiday! And Happy Birthday to Ricky! Those scooters look like fun, I better not point them out to Elle, or she may want one, LOL!